Saturday, May 11th - Ithaca

Community School of Music and Arts

330 E Martin Luther King Jr / State St., Ithaca

12:45 - 2:15 PM "Line & Design: An Artistic Approach to Bellydance Choreography"- Every moment of your dance performance lives as an image in your audience's mind - make it an artful one. We'll use design concepts from art and apply them to how we use our arms, how we move within our space and how an ensemble can effectively create beautiful collective shapes. These are valuable concepts for cabaret, tribal or fusion dancers alike!... $35

2:30 - 4:00 PM “Thrills With Zills!”  This workshop is a unique and inspiring mix of skills, drills, combos and expression through your finger cymbals! We'll drill versatile patterns, use them in fun mini-combos and explore special sounds and call-and-response techniques....$35

Both Workshops...$60


See all the East Coast Workshop Tour dates